Recap Week 1 Down Let the Flame Begin!!!

Bill Mosher
7 min readMay 22, 2022

Goatsatan V.S. Arctes 1–1

Game1: Arctes said ‘MMR is Just a number’ and Won every lane to start the season. Seemingly a clear cut out-draft and out play. though getting slapped walking into Skroom’s Skeleton King(RIP) a couple of times. They really allowed space to be created for both Arctes and N4tti and created a true bristle back monster winning game 1.

Game2: The laneing stage was back under control and every lane drew. The Goat squad seemed to get a much less passive draft and a much cleaner to execute draft. This clearly played out well for them and subdue the the steam train known as N4tti and resulted in a muchless stressful and quicker win for the Goat squad.

Alc V.S. Mercii 1–1

Game1: All aboard the Immortal train because it is coming and hitting like a Truck!!! OOOO but this isn’t a story about just the immortals lordy US DANNY’s Lina winning the lane over Pepper’s Invoker and Pepper saw the Lina First!!! Mercii’s team felt weird with invoker, tiny, lich, monkey, sand king. If mid loses and has to recover it puts a lot of pressure on the offlane monkey and sand king or it involves in your safelane getting ganked over and over. Long story short Mercii’s team takes to long to windup and Alc’s team hit their timings resulting in the easy win.

Game2: The Mercii Sand King is one of his signature heroes but dont sleep on the Mercii Nightstalker going 10–1–18. Though Alc did have a nice game he was playing the worst carry in dota(troll).. so it’s kinda on him for this loss, but his team didn’t help either. Alc’s team had very good team fight in a grim, dk, lion, and necro but it just never really came to fruition. Mercii created a ton of space for GMS even though they lost lane both times this time Mercii drew enough attention for GMS to farm his way back in. Grats to the Mercii squad.

Delukasor V.S. Shea Dr. 2–0

Game1: Delu team came out swinging with the seasons first Pudge pick :S that I got to play :D!!!! We got to do this because we had two stand-ins Clam was nice enough to step in for LLDota and Winter was nice enough to step in for owen. Thankfully Clam is my type of crazy for an offlane partner and snap5 / CK lane1 lost to a pudge4 / hoodwink3. Delu’s team lived in Shea’s jungle since minute 8 and just steam rolled from there. Some sick coils from delu’s Puck and Amazing DPS from the Bino Clinks put this one in the bag.

Game 2: Thankfully the Delu team is very flexible and swapped around heroes and what was drafted for what and ended up with an abandon middle and poor bino being stuck with giggles in the offlane. Again the Delu offlane team stomped the safelane and it allowed for some major rotations on the questionable silencer mid last pick from Shea. The Bino Tusk, Giggles Mirana, and Delu Ember was constantly on top of Shea with not much of a disengage to save him. Another win for the Delu team but lets hold off judgment until we get LL back Winter will be standing in for the remainder of the season.

Feeder George V.S. Zamo 1–1

Game 1: Feeder George did well but forgot the one lesson with Zam. If you beat him in lane you need to need to pressure his jungle because the man is a master tier Jungler. You had him at Zam getting a mask on faceless void at 14min with a 10min creep score of 33/6. Not much else to say here the Feeder team other then they took the foot off the gas pedal and completely lost all momentum they had and probably cost them the game.

Game2: Revenge of the Feeders. The Feeder team had what I would call a very good out draft. George went with the Mars/Phx off lane into the life stealer pugna lane. Theres a lot of good pugna can do in lane but against that type of magic and physical damage and not really synergies well with lifestealer. After seeing the lifestealer pick George's team scooped out lina and bane and this draft was basically over. after about 20minutes of even gameplay the Arc Warden last pick from George’s Yumi carry took off and really the team never looked back.

MontrealOsaka V.S. Big Al 1–1

Game1: Montreal banned Sand king so in very obviously Big Al proceeded to go 1–15–16 on a legend commander. Big Al’s team did switch sk8er to mid but didn’t help much in the first game as Alster’s DK dunked on his midlane Puck and even got a solo kill right before the end of the laning phase. HULK truly did well here and dished out a lot of damage on his Skywrath but it really was to no avail. Ghost also went carry tide which hasnt been a thing for like 2 patches sooo ya Big Al I could have called this one from minute one with slightly better results then your predictions.

Game2: This game was a thriller!!! If you have a free 45minutes go download this match and watch it. This game it is close to a pinnacle of how fun and exciting watching a dota match can be.Montreal went Huskar1, Mars2, Necro3, Weaver4, Ogre5. Big Al’s team went with a Bloodseeker1, tinker2, axe3, storm spirit4, Jakero5. There was never more then 1,800 gold separating these teams until the 43:00 minute where it all went to shit for the Montreal team on a disgusting zip Aghs vortex storm into tinker blind and axe call and just wiped the Montreal team clean. This was a back and forth game and truly the build up to that fight was worth the wait go watch it if you have some free time. WP Big Al butttt…… Sk8er your a dirty hor!Tinker…. Ewwwww…. ❤ you! well played guys!

Jopa V.S. Wizard 1–1

Game1: Chalk this up to an easy out draft for team Jopa. Though they let Bloodninja get his signature Visage. The whole team lacked good team fight synergy and a tanky get in there do shit type of hero. Which they tried to make L Gods Tiny into but a 16 minute blink with absolutely 0 blink follow up is just silly. Pick up a storm or a void spirit something that can close the gap and empower the tiny. Though the laning was a draw the team fight was absolutely there for the Jopa squad super clean 30min win.

Game2: This game the Wizard squad must have realized everything that I said was wrong in their game 1 and tried to fix it. Thy drafted Lifestealer, Silencer, Jakero, Tide, and Lifestealer. They have great initiation with the tide and awesome follow up with lifestealer and void. Even the blinking global silence is nice to ensure the team fight win. This was a much cleaner game from the Wizard squad and it showed winning 2 and drawing the other lane. There was a small glimmer of hope from the Jopa squad around 35minutes where they killed the lifestealer 3 times and void 4 times in about 6 minutes. The Wizard squad proved to be way too much and took the 50minute game.

Mipz V.S. Celtic 2–0

Game1: Celtic comes to me: “dude giggles I have a gentleman's agreement with Mipz he wont ban my Storm and I wont ban his bear.” Me: “Celtic that is possibly one of the dumbest agreements ever don’t ever take that.’’

Game was over in 24minutes didn’t get to use his Nulls….. Mipz win.(PSA please make this season hard for the man first phase the bear)

Game:2 Featured signature heros out of the midlane with the Mipz sniper vs Celtic alc. From minute 10 to minute 108 the Celtic team lead the way in exp and a massive 53k gold lead at 108. Unfortunately for Celtics team they were short handed their pos 4 pudge Gordon had to go to work at about 44th minute and they had to fight out the game 4v5 style until the Mipz sniper finally took the game over and beat them even though they were against megas. Mipz sniper was great and Gaff’s carry Dawn did eventually come on line to seal the win. However I put a big asterisk by this win because it was 4v5 and I am fairly confident that given a full 5v5 Celtic wins this around the 60minute mark. It was a Mipz 2–0 but I would caution you Celtics team is very good and I belive they will turn up next week.

Thanks for reading guys!!!

